Frequently Asked Question

Reset your USO (LGfL) password using your mobile phone
Last Updated 3 days ago

Quick reference:

PW Change > .302 account > reset by mobile > your mob. number > PW Change again > current password > pw from text msg > new pw twice (8 to 16 of: small + capital + numbers and !$^&();:-=_+[]{}/#)

Detailed Guide:

  • Enter your USO name and press Next
  • Select "By having a new password sent to my mobile" and press Next

! Note ! If you can't see this option contact IT Support team to have your mobile number set up and verified on LGfL system.

  • Enter your mobile phone number and press Next. A random temporary password will be generated and sent to your mobile
  • Open USO Password Change page again and select "By entering my current password" this time. Enter the password texted to your mobile.
  • Enter your new password 2 times and press Finish.

If you see an error message  - check the "Password rules" at the bottom of the yellow box, specifically the last line with allowable special symbols: only !$^&();:-=_+[]{}/# are allowed!

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